Printec Blog

Annual Sustainability Report 2021

Written by Irini Ioannidou | Sep 20, 2022 10:37:49 AM

Our 2021 Sustainability Report is here!

In the previous year's report, the leadership team shared its commitment and sponsoring to the wider team and the goals ahead. This year's report focuses on team achievements, team initiatives, and projects and sets the path for the future. For us in Printec, sustainability remains our commitment and has become an integral part of our culture.

I am extremely proud that every year despite all challenges the global community and all of us are facing, we manage to find ways to progress our efforts and create a positive impact.

Our way to a sustainable future, via our continuously improved ''We Care'' program is founded on Printec’s value-system and human-centric way of operation, deeply committed to our fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

By incorporating the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact into our strategy, our corporate policies, and procedures, and by maintaining a culture of integrity, we in Printec not only uphold our basic responsibilities as a conscious employer to people (all our stakeholders) and the planet but also look forward to a future of safety and long-term success.

As a next step, in January 2022, we started working on redesigning our sustainability strategy shifting from a CSR to an ESG approach. Our operational model and our ''We Care'' program will be enhanced and supported even further with ESG awareness sessions for our people, who for all these years have supported Printec’s sustainability activities with their passion and ideas, to achieve as a team a continuously positive impact on the societies and the environment where we operate. And this is once again, how we are seeing Printec, as a member of a greater society, whose growth cannot be seen separately from the growth and well-being of society as a whole.

There is still a lot of work to be done, ideas to become actions and much more causes to support. But as we are welcoming new members to our team, the more optimistic we feel that we will continue our progress on our way to a sustainable future. 


(*) Since 2014, when Printec first became a signatory member to the United Nations Global Compact initiative (add link), our intention is to strengthen year by year our environmental and social impact, joining the efforts of other member-companies and global organizations towards a sustainable future, the world "We want".

As One Team of more than 900 people, expanded in 16 countries, in Printec we operate responsibly and cease every opportunity to make a positive impact to the communities we serve and the industries we affect as a whole.