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2022 wrap-up: Unlock our wins and highlights

Feb 14, 2023 11:00:00 AM

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Entering the new year is always a great moment to reflect on 2022 and look back at everything we have achieved at Printec. Our team is fueled by great wins from the last 12 months, and we would like to share them with you!

2022 for our customers

We strive to apply a customer-centric approach to everything we do. We are proud enablers of daily transactions through 21.000+ ATMs and 700.000+ POSs but we always strive for more. In 2022, we announced three new partnerships with Centerity, Libiao and FIS, to provide even more on the payments ecosystem. We further expanded our offering, strengthening our six in-house products; from fleet card management and payment platforms to unattended vending and software solutions for self-service kiosks.


Throughout the entire year, we fostered our customer focus and established clear commitments achieving 95% on the SLA ratio and 99% & on Service Availability. The past year brought so many business wins to celebrate and be proud of for Printec; the IT&T infrastructure support at the International Airport of Athens, the acceptance of total fleet cards in 25 African countries, the introduction of an integrated cash recycling solution in Bulgaria, the support of remote mobile post vehicles in Ukraine and the list goes on!


2022 for our operations

In 2022 we expanded our reach even more, by launching our new office in Montenegro. Currently operating in 16 countries in Central East Europe, we seek to identify new market opportunities while always investing in upgrading our technology. Following our digital transformation plan, we completed the implementation of SAP ERP and Field Services Management to optimize our operations and accelerate our services. In the past year, we considered it essential to establish an approach to identify, assess, and manage risks smoothly. We, thus, shifted to annual cycles of Enterprise Risk Management which will allow us to consider the extent to which potential events and processes have an impact on the achievement of our objectives.


2022 for our people

Printec celebrated countless milestones and achievements for its team as well. In 2022, we launched FlexWork, our new hybrid work model at Printec, encouraging our teams to make the best of both worlds. In leading with flexibility, employee choice and personalisation, we are re-imaging together the future of work. We introduced our whistleblowing platform “SpeakUp” for all employees to report suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct. We reunited in person after a long time during our Function Summits and other team-building activities and kickstarted our own Learning program for People Managers. Lastly, we conducted our Employee Engagement Survey to gain insight into our employees' thoughts and attitudes towards their work and the overall environment and the participation rate reached 94%!


Printec’s 2022 highlights cannot be completed without a special mention to our Ukrainian team for their efforts and determination towards our customers throughout these rough times. Another shoutout goes to our community for actively participating in environmental and social initiatives throughout the year, shifting from a CSR to an ESG approach.


 In 2023, we strive to bring out the best in one another, deliver success to our customers, and inspire the entire industry through our actions. We are deeply grateful to all our customers, partners, and employees for supporting us on this journey and making 2022 a year to remember.


Let’s keep on innovating, experiencing & interacting together and make 2023 another great year!


Check our 2022 in review video below:



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Printec Team

Written by Printec Team

Printec Team is a group effort where our technology and industry experts come together to combine their knowledge and experience to create articles about industry trends and technologies.