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Printec implements eSignature in major Greek banks

May 31, 2018 11:51:00 AM

eSignature (2)

Printec, working together with 3 of the biggest Greek banks including Piraeus Bank and Eurobank, has successfully installed and implemented an eSignature solution covering the majority of the Greek banking space and transforming the way banks interact with their customers. By implementing eSignature, transactions become faster and simpler; the customer needs to sign only once to execute the desired transaction. Then, the system creates copies of the signed documents and sends them at once electronically to both parties. With this solution the bank achieves a significant reduction in the time needed per transaction, improving customer service while making it easier for both parties to receive and store the documents. At the same time, the environmental footprint of each process is minimized since there is no need for printing, transportation or storage of printed documents. Finally, transaction security is guaranteed through the immediate and accurate authentication of the signee enhanced by the option of using biometric data (pressure and angle of stylus, speed of writing, etc).

The eSignature solution consists of tablets with touch screen and stylus for capturing the signature, and a secure platform that authenticates the signature and manages the documents as well as the biometric data (when available). The platform used in the aforementioned banks comes from Namirial, a company with international presence and experience with eSignature and similar solutions in more than 1,000,000 customers. 



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