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Our way to a sustainable future

Jul 16, 2020 12:39:07 PM

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Corporate Responsibility has always been an integral part of Printec’s value system and our approach towards broader societal goals is a continuous journey.

A journey, in which every year, more and more of us, Printec people from all over our region, by participating voluntarily with time, effort and ideas, we explore new destinations, we learn more, we share, we donate, we collaborate, we have fun, we support people in need.

At the end of 2014, we became an active member of the United Nations Global Compact.

5 years later, we are proud we have enhanced our We Care framework, and we continue doing business responsibly by aligning our strategy and operations with the Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, supporting in our Printec way, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.

In Printec’s 2019 Annual Report, the spotlight falls on Our people, we celebrate this team effort and we finally welcome our extended We Care ambassadors scheme consisting of representatives from all Printec entities. ​

​​​​​​​It is a booklet with a fresh approach, full of colors, joy and insights that personally makes me feel very proud of being part of Printec, a team that cares.

We care for each other, we care for the communities we live in, we care for the environment that surrounds us and we never lose an opportunity through day-to-day business to make an impact, as one team on our way to a sustainable future.

Starting with 2020, new goals and more initiatives will be designed and planned. Join us!

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Topics: News

Irini Ioannidou

Written by Irini Ioannidou

Chief Compliance Officer, member of Printec We Care Team