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Printec on cashless and paperless society @ Athens Science Festival

Apr 3, 2017 4:37:00 PM



Towards a cashless and paperless society: fact or fiction? Based on our experience we shared our view on the reasons, challenges and facts around how people have been trying to move away from the use of paper and cash and into a digital world.

 For a couple of decades now, people have been trying to move away from the use of paper into a digital, paperless world. Lately there has been a similar effort towards cashless living and with the introduction of contactless technology, mobile wallets and IoT, it seems like an easy step to take. But is our society ready to give up on paper and / or cash? 




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Printec Team

Written by Printec Team

Printec Team is a group effort where our technology and industry experts come together to combine their knowledge and experience to create articles about industry trends and technologies.