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Printec's presence at Technobank 2024: Elevating banking and payments innovation

Apr 30, 2024 3:20:54 PM


Once again, Printec made its mark at the Technobank Conference, held in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 & 18 April 2024. As a platinum sponsor, alongside our partner NCR Atleos, we had the opportunity to engage with industry peers and showcase our solutions, set to revolutionize the banking and payments landscape.

With over 400 exhibiting companies and more than 500 representatives from the banking industry, the conference served as a platform for showcasing products and solutions, but also for deep diving into ideas, insights, and discussions shaping the future of banking and payments.

At Printec's booth, in collaboration with NCR Atleos, attendees had the opportunity to explore our latest advancements designed to enhance self-service access for customers. Our collaborative efforts with partners INETCO and BTC were also on display, showcasing the collective drive towards innovation and excellence.

A significant moment of the event was the unveiling of NCR Atleos SelfServ 62, heralding a new era in user experience for self-service transactions, particularly in merchant deposit transactions. With its unparalleled device capacity, the SelfServ 62 promises to redefine convenience and efficiency in banking services.

"During this year's Tehnobank event, in collaboration with our business partners, we showcased the latest technologies dedicated to transaction automation. Our focus centered on the innovative portfolio encompassing Merchant deposit transactions, supported by an integrated blend of hardware, software, and services." - Predrag Radovanovic, Country Lead Printec Serbia


Carlos Larranaga's insightful session from INETCO illuminated the evolving cyber-fraud threats to payments, urging stakeholders to stay vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their systems and clients.

Fiona Page from our partner NCR Atleos took the stage, unveiling their session titled "Scale your success with scalable recyclers." Fiona's presentation offered invaluable insights into leveraging scalable recyclers to drive success in the banking industry, highlighting the importance of innovation and adaptability in meeting evolving customer needs.

BTC's contribution to the conference was equally impactful, shedding light on the automation of cash-handling processes for both merchants and banks. Their presentation underscored the importance of streamlining operations while maintaining security and reliability.


Highlights and insights

Industry peers had the opportunity to dive into solutions, products, sessions, and panel discussions, covering topics ranging from retail banking evolution in the age of AI to navigating the digital banking landscape reflecting the industry's ongoing digital transformation journey.

Across two days, presentations delved into diverse topics such as document management, workflow optimization, and the application of AI in various banking functions. The highlights encompassed insights into cybersecurity threats and the power of digital solutions to enhance customer experiences. The event was centered around collaborative progress, offering attendees a comprehensive view of the industry's trajectory and fostering partnerships to drive excellence in banking and payments.

As we reflect on our experience at Technobank, we extend our gratitude to all who visited our booth, engaged in discussions, and shared their insights. Together with our partners and stakeholders, Printec remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation, and elevating the banking and payments industry to new heights.

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Topics: Banking, News, Payments

Printec Team

Written by Printec Team

Printec Team is a group effort where our technology and industry experts come together to combine their knowledge and experience to create articles about industry trends and technologies.