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Printec Blog

Highlights from the “Let's Do E-commerce: Beyond ...

On April 25th 2024, the city of Sarajevo became the center of digital innovation as the second edition of the "Let's Do ...

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Modern age retail in search of the ultimate customer ...

The global health crisis has shaped - and continues to shape - a new reality, accelerating change and digitalization across ...

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Holiday season spending: Facing the economic impact of the ...

As retailers made their way through the early shopping season, they focused on creating personalized experiences for every ...

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Bring your retail business to the digital age

Even as they struggle to understand the future, companies of all sizes have tried to adapt their operations and move to remote ...

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Cosmos Sport and Printec change the way we receive orders ...

Cosmos Sport, in collaboration with Printec, have installed StrongPoint's smart lockers in the window of the sport’s chain store ...

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Retail trends to watch in 2021

The way we work and live has changed in ways many of us couldn’t have imagined; from how we interact with our friends and family ...

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Printec cooperates with AB Vassilopoulos to develop ...

Technology company Printec designed and implemented in collaboration with AB Vassilopoulos super markets a flexible payments ...

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Spending for the holiday season during a pandemic can be ...

Traditionally, the winter holiday season is the time of the year when people tend to spend frantically on gifts for their loved ...

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Can the pandemic end queues once and for all?

The pandemic and the need for social distancing has forced everyone - from retailers and banks to clinics and offices - to be ...

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Shopping in a contactless world

As quarantine procedures have been implemented across the world and millions of consumers stayed home, there has been a ...

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Automating cash handling – a trend on the rise

In the recent years, card payments started taking over cash, with cards looking like they are becoming the natural choice of ...

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